Fearless Entrepreneur Certified Business Coach 

Business Branding Specialist

Graduates of the Business Branding Program have completed course work in the area of business branding that includes brand identify,  brand positioning, personal branding and the inside track on what it takes to develop a solid business brand for service-based businesses.  The Graduates have received a complete step-by-step FEARLESS Coaching model to seamlessly run a coaching session saving you time and money.  Graduates of this program are provided with assessments, resources and templates to move you toward your business goals faster.   

In addition to the course work, they have completed hands-on coaching fieldwork where they have moved clients through the FEARLESS coaching process for building successful businesses from the inside out.  This work was submitted and verified.


2020 and 2021GRADUATES

Phyllis Williams-Strawder

Stacey Simon

Catalina Baciu

Mahdi Bayat

Rian Pelati

2022/2024 GRADUATES

Roy Sandhy Biantoro 

Shonda Taylor

Chazia Arifanti  

Stefi Sterlin


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